
Monday 15 January 2018

Summer Learning Journey- Week One in the beginning(1800-1870) Day 1 arriving in New Zealand- Activity two: Setting Sail

Dear Friend
Im on a voyage to New Zealand, Im really nervous about moving countries. we've crossed mountains and oceans and I can tell it's going to be beautiful. Im looking forward to try new things, and experience a new life!



  1. Kia Ora Tiffany,

    Cadence here from the Summer Learning Journey team!
    Great to see another activity complete! Love your last sentence about trying new things and experiencing more of life! A brilliant way to look at a brand new opportunity.
    I’m curious, what are you most nervous about on this long voyage? Travelling on water and the things you might encounter or the challenges of being in a new place?

    I can’t wait to read more of your awesome blog posts! Happy blogging!

    Cadence :)

  2. Hi Again Tiffany.

    Its was really exciting today when I saw on facebook that you were doing the Summer Learning Journey. I hope you are telling all your classmates at WIS to join you then you can all comment on each others blogs and give your friends some real good quality comments. the wesley community centre is open next monday too if you want to go down and join some other Ako Hiko students doing the SLJ.

    Who is the friend you were writing to? Was it someone you were thinking of or just a random person. I think it would be real hard leaving your friends to go to a place you know not alot about. Now days we are lucky as we have google and can research places before we go and visit them.
    I think its great that you said in your letter that you are looking forward to trying new things- Its always good for our character to try new things that are out of our comfort zone. Do you agree?

    I would love to hear from you if you can comment below. Tell me how your first day went blogging. I hope you are having a lovely holiday with your Whanau too.


  3. Hi Tiffany,

    My name is Toeumu and i am a student in room 3 at Wesley Primary School. I like your letter, very interesting. Maybe next time you could add a picture to make it more interesting.

    This reminds me of when i watched survivor and they read there letters from there families because they were on a island for AGES.Have you watched survivor. Good luck on your tasks over the summer/ school holidays.

    Looking forward to more posts.

    Have a wonderful day.
