
Monday 15 January 2018

Sumner Learning Journey- Week one- In the Beginning (1800-1870) Day 1 Arriving in New Zealand Activity one: The first Settlers

Maui and the Giant Fish:

- Maui recites an old karakia which helps him and his brothers catch fish.

-  Maui's fish is what makes up the north Island and his canoe makes up the south Island.

-   Maui uses a jawbone which his ancestor murirangawhenua gave to him.

Another story iv'e heard of Maui is:

- How Maui slowed the sun


  1. Kia Ora Tiffany,

    Welcome to the Summer Learning Journey! It’s awesome to have you join us.
    My name is Cadence and I am one of the commenters who will be working with your cluster this summer.

    You have made a brilliant start by completing a bunch of activities already!
    Thanks for sharing 3 facts about Maui and another story you know of.

    Fun fact: Maui used the stars, waves and water currents to navigate on long journeys.

    Don’t forget to make your posts stand out by including photos relating to the topic and activity.

    I can’t wait to read more of your awesome blog posts! Happy blogging!

    Cadence :)

  2. Kiaora Tiffany.

    Welcome to the Summer Learning Journey. I'm so happy to see you have started your journey through time and completing 3 tasks in your first day starting. Well done!
    I have been so lucky to be able to follow all the AKO HIKO schools to see the fantastic work that the students across the cluster have been doing. Not only that I have been working with other schools around NZ and seeing the blogs from students in Northland Kaikohekohe and the South Island Uru Manuka. It's been so fun.

    I enjoyed reading the 3 facts you shared here about Maui, You were very specific on the facts you shared telling us some helpful information this shows that you are using thinking and processing skills. Maybe next time you could ad a image to your blog post to make it eye catching and show other readers one of the Maui books or stories so they can head over and read one too.
    Maui and the Sun is one of my favourite legends as i loved looking at all the illustrations in the books and visualising what it would have been like for Maui to catch the Sun. You can go on youtube and watch the stories being told. It's a fun way to read.

    Don't forget that if you comment below and comment on other students blogs giving them a quality blog comment you can gain extra points.

    So excited you have started on the SLJ. Keep up the great blogging.

